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What is a Hacker Fare?

Two-way flights can save you money and time, as you may have heard. However, it can take a lot of time to discover the ideal flights, and you may not always save as much as you had planned. Are you unsure whether a hacker fare is the correct choice for you? Here is all the information you require to make a smart choice.

What do you mean by “Hacker Fare”?

As we know, the cost of air travel continues to rise, and some passengers have found an unusal way to reduce the cost of their tickets and outsmart airlines: buying "hacker fares." the idea is simple: passengers can benefit from lower costs and more flexibility by booking two separate legs of a journey.

The phrase is well-known among travelers, where travelers can save money by purchasing two one-way tickets to and from the locations, typically on two different airlines, to make their round-trip tickets. It appears that you can save 11–18% by using hacker fares. The hacker fares are currently being posted by numerous airline travel firms. Their discounts are always there for you to check out, but you may also search for your own.

Some examples of hacker fare:
  • Throwaway tickets: sometimes airlines keep higher prices on one-way tickets because it is used by people who are on business travel and extra money to spend. Passengers can purchase a round-trip ticket at lower prices and then throw away the return.
  • Hidden City tickets: You can also save money by booking a ticket to leave at a connection rather than fly to the final destination. A flight to your connecting city may cost more, but the destination may be discounted by the airline.
  • Back-to-back tickets: Midweek round-trip tickets may cost more than those that include a Saturday night stay. You may avoid that regulation by scheduling two round-trip flights that overlap in parts.

Travelers can save a lot of money by using these ticketing strategies. However, they offend airlines, who see them as stealing money and breaking their ticket contract.

How does Hacker Fare Work?

The process requires a bit of research and strategy. Here are some steps to help you with it.

  • Search for one-way flights: look for one-way flights for both departure and return journeys. Compare the prices on the website and airline search engines.
  • Compare and merge: once you have found the cheapest flight, compare the overall cost with the usual round-trip ticket. In a few cases, two one-way tickets are cheaper than a round trip.
  • Make a separate booking: once you are done with the price comparison book each leg of your journey separately. You can include different airlines for your going and returning flights. Which can add to the savings.


Hacker fares are a useful tool for travelers on a tight budget since they provide an affordable way to see the world. You can access a world of reasonably priced travel options by comprehending the workings, advantages, and possible drawbacks of this travel approach.


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